Best & Worst Places To Live During a Zombie Apocalypse

Ah yes the perfect doomsday scenario, a Zombie Apocalypse. With the increased fanfare to everything zombie thanks to the advent of TV series people are infatuated with Zombies. But… the zombie apocalypse is no joke!

We found two zombie apocalypse reports. One over at which is not a detailed report and the highly detailed report at .

The two reports differ on which state would fair better during a Zombie Apocalypse. We tend to favor the Estately report since their due-diligence is far more admirable! So we will start off with the Estately report…

Estately really researched and figured out all the possibilities and numbers with this report!

Here’s what the company looked at for each state:

  1. Active Military Personnel per capita (based on )
  2. Military Veterans per capita (based on )
  3. Physical Inactivity (based on the )
  4. Martial Arts Enthusiasts (based on percentage Facebook users who list “martial arts” as an interest)
  5. General Interest In Survival Skills (based on percentage Facebook users who list “survival skills” as an interest)
  6. People With Knowledge Of Zombie Lore (based on percentages of Facebook users who listed “zombies, ‘Resident Evil,’ ‘Zombieland,’ and ‘The Walking Dead’” as interests)
  7. Laser Tag Enthusiasts (based on percentage Facebook users who list “laser tag” as an interest)
  8. People With Guns (based on )
  9. Obesity (based on the )
  10. Paintball Enthusiasts (based on percentage Facebook users who list “paintball” as an interest)
  11. Triathletes (based on percentage Facebook users who list “Ironman triathlon” as an interest)

What Estately found was that rural states will offer favorable odds for any survivors, while a majority of the Northeast and South will degenerate immediately into a zombie-filled hellscape.

The Top 10 Best States to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse


In a state where residents run from bears and moose, they will not be scared of slow-moving corpses. Alaska is packed with military personnel and veterans, and they’re only a fraction of the well-armed Alaskans prepared to shoot zombies from a moving snowmobile.


No other state has a shared love of zombie movies and guns like Wyoming. While New Yorkers are having their brains eaten in cafes and elevators, the fine people of Wyoming will be sitting on the front porch with a shotgun enjoying a prolonged zombie hunting season.


 are well known to be among the most physically fit in the country so when zombies start crawling out of their graves, most of the state’s residents will be miles away, easily jogging up a 10,000-foot mountain.


If a horde of zombies stumbles into Lewiston, Idaho they’re going to have their hands full. Idahoans are physically active, heavily armed, and are hard to catch because they’re oddly really into parkour.


This state knows its zombie facts (from movies and TV shows), but it’s also full of triathletes and martial enthusiasts. Not only can residents escape from zombies by running, swimming, or biking, but they can also turn around and dole out some beat downs like the ninja assassins they are.


The state’s residents previously prepared to face the zombie apocalypse, but that was because pranksters hacked into a TV station’s EAS and broadcasted a message that the zombie apocalypse had begun. Had that not been a test, those zombies would have experienced the full wrath of Montana’s arsenal because that state is heavily armed.


Home to both the Department of Zombie Defense and the Arizona Zombie Defense Force. The state of trains for the zombie apocalypse with zombie walks, a at an Arizona Diamondbacks game, and much more.


is home to the Zombie Apocalypse Store, so it’ll be easy to buy supplies to fend off the walking dead. Cities around the state are already prepping with zombie pub crawls, a state run zombie prevention site, and more.


New Yorkers fleeing a zombie apocalypse will drive up real estate prices when the move to the Granite State, the most prepared in the Northeast.


Should the zombies enter an office building in Wisconsin, they’ll face a large number of people prepared to shoot zombies in confined areas because Wisconsin is home to the most laser tag enthusiasts per capita in America. Wisconsin is awesome. Click for proof.

The 10 Worse States to Live in During a Zombie Apocalypse


Despite being physically fit, residents of  are almost completely lacking in knowledge of zombies. Ignorance is not bliss, it’s very costly in a zombie apocalypse.


The Tennessee Zombie Response Unit has its work cut out for it because the rest of state is ill prepared to battle the undead. Tennesseans should abandon their company softball teams and form paintball teams instead.


For Louisiana, the downside of letting the good times roll is it makes it very difficult outrun the living dead. Lack of physical fitness and limited knowledge of zombies dooms the great state of Louisiana… once it runs out of ammunition.


Here’s a plan—Alabama confronts its obesity by training for the Alabama Biathalon. It’s a variation of the winter sport, but instead of cross-country skiing you just run around the woods with a gun shooting at everything. It’s like hunting season, but you can’t bring a 24-pack of beer.


Residents of Connecticut should either begin playing laser tag or start seasoning themselves because if the zombie apocalypse started today they’d get eaten up as appetizers.


Even though The Walking Dead is set in Georgia, residents there have little interest in zombies. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, the undead will discover Georgia brains are as sweet as Georgia peaches.


If there were New York travel brochure for zombies it would tout the state’s lack of veterans, limited enthusiasm for survival skills, and scarcity of firearms.


Our nation’s capital has almost no knowledge of zombies, martial arts, or firearm ownership. It’s going to be an all-you-can-eat brain buffet for the zombies.


M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-Die. Everybody is going to die. From zombies.

51st—NEW JERSEY If the zombie apocalypse began today, and you live in , the odds are 100% that you’ve already been bitten and have become a zombie.

The five best states to survive the zombie apocalypse:

1. Texas with a survivability score of 67

With a low population density and more federally licensed firearms dealers, hospitals and Walmarts than any other state, Texas is an easy choice for best place to survive the zombie apocalypse. It also has more military bases than all but a handful of states, which will come in handy to protect your desert camp from zombie invasion, or, in the event that Fort Hood is lost, as a place to salvage supplies.

2. Georgia with a survivability score of 65.25

Looks like The Walking Dead gang are lucky to be in Georgia, as the state’s low population density, large number of Walmarts, military bases and hospitals, and high rate of gun ownership make it a great place to ward off impending doom. Of course, crazed groups of survivors trying to take your prison won’t make matters any easier.

3. California with a survivability score of 65

California has a lot of things working against it: super high population density and a ton of large cities. But apparently the good outweighs the bad, and its mountainous terrain and impressive number of gun stores, Walmarts, hospitals and military bases tip the scales in its favor.

4. North Carolina with a survivability score of 62

Guns, military bases, hospitals and Walmarts – North Carolina has ‘em in spades. It also has several urban centers and a high population density, but, again, GUNS.

5. Virginia with a survivability score of 61

Virginia is pretty middle of the road in most categories, but its large number of hospitals, Walmarts and military bases make it a great spot to seek shelter from the zombies. And it’s pretty close to Washington D.C., which, you know, would totally be protected to the last man standing.

The five worst states to survive the zombie apocalypse:

46. Hawaii with a survivability score of 30

At first glance Hawaii would seem like a great place to survive the zombie apocalypse: it’s cut off from the rest of the United States, the weather is nice and there are volcanoes in which to dispose of rotting zombie corpses. But what if the zombie virus does spread to infect entire islands? Well, then you’re trapped on a small island with millions of zombies and basically no guns. Doesn’t sound so paradisiacal now, does it?

47. Nebraska with a survivability score of 28

Nebraska does not score well on any category, except population density. It’s flat, which means the zombies can move faster (and you won’t see them because of the corn stalks!), it’s only got a few gun stores and there are just a couple of military bases to protect you.

48. New Jersey with a survivability score of 27.5

New Jersey is the most densely populated state, and that, coupled with its lack of guns and mountains, means it’s one of the most difficult places to survive the societal breakdown. And that’s not even taking into account the millions of zombie New Yorkers who are sure to come flowing across the bridges and through the tunnels in search of their next meal.

49. Delaware with a survivability score of 16.75

Small states with no guns, no mountains and lots of people don’t fare well in the zombie apocalypse. That we know.

50. Rhode Island with a survivability score of 14.75

And here it is, Rhode Island is hands down the worst place to survive the zombie apocalypse. Its population density is high, there are no mountains or guns, and, really, not much of anything else that would be useful either. So here’s some advice to Rhode Islanders, when the mysterious bitings/illnesses start, head south.

The full list of states and their zombie apocalypse survivability scores:

Stats via 
  1. Texas with a survivability score of 67
  2. Georgia with a survivability score of 65.25
  3. California with a survivability score of 65
  4. North Carolina with a survivability score of 62
  5. Virginia with a survivability score of 61
  6. Tennessee with a survivability score of 57.75
  7. Pennsylvania with a survivability score of 57.25
  8. Arkansas with a survivability score of 56.5
  9. Utah with a survivability score of 56.4
  10. Washington with a survivability score of 56.25
  11. Alabama with a survivability score of 55.5
  12. Arizona with a survivability score of 55
  13. Colorado with a survivability score of 54.75
  14. New York with a survivability score of 54.5
  15. Alaska with a survivability score of 53.25
  16. Florida with a survivability score of 53.2
  17. Montana with a survivability score of 53
  18. Idaho with a survivability score of 52.75
  19. Mississippi with a survivability score of 52.5
  20. South Carolina with a survivability score of 52
  21. West Virginia with a survivability score of 51.5
  22. Kansas with a survivability score of 51
  23. Louisiana with a survivability score of 50.75
  24. Missouri with a survivability score of 50.5
  25. Oklahoma with a survivability score of 50.25
  26. Wyoming with a survivability score of 48.75
  27. Oregon with a survivability score of 48.5
  28. Massachusetts with a survivability score of 48
  29. New Mexico with a survivability score of 47.25
  30. Illinois with a survivability score of 46.75
  31. Michigan with a survivability score of 45.25
  32. Wisconsin with a survivability score of 45
  33. Maine with a survivability score of 44.25
  34. Ohio with a survivability score of 44
  35. Kentucky with a survivability score of 43.25
  36. Iowa with a survivability score of 42.5
  37. Indiana with a survivability score of 41.5
  38. Nevada with a survivability score of 41.25
  39. South Dakota with a survivability score of 41
  40. North Dakota with a survivability score of 40.5
  41. Vermont with a survivability score of 39.25
  42. Maryland with a survivability score of 38.75
  43. Minnesota with a survivability score of 38.5
  44. New Hampshire with a survivability score of 38
  45. Connecticut with a survivability score of 35.5
  46. Hawaii with a survivability score of 30
  47. Nebraska with a survivability score of 28
  48. New Jersey with a survivability score of 27.5
  49. Delaware with a survivability score of 16.75
  50. Rhode Island with a survivability score of 14.7

– This post is Syndicated. Original publish date 28 March 2014 | 1:26 am on

The post Best & Worst Places To Live During a Zombie Apocalypse appeared first on Survive Stay Alive – Survival Gear.

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